Category: Filipino export

  • What is the ‘Son of Man’? The Paradox at Jesus’ Trial

    The Bible uses several titles in referring to Jesus. The most prominent is ‘Christ’, but it also uses ‘Son of God‘ and ‘Lamb of God‘ regularly. However, Jesus often refers to himself as ‘Son of Man’. What does this mean and why does he use this term? It is in the trial of Jesus that…

  • The Dead Sea Scrolls and Old Testament Reliability

    We previously looked at the basic principles used in the discipline of Textual Criticism. We then applied these principles to the New Testament. By these measures the New Testament reliability exceeds that of any other ancient book. But what about the books of the Old Testament? Are they as reliable and unchanged as the New…

  • Apparel: Why More than just Clothing?

    Why do you clothe yourself?  Not with just anything that fits, but you want fashionable clothing that states who you are.  What causes you to instinctively need to wear clothing, not just to stay warm but also to express yourself visually? Isn’t it odd that you find the same instinct across the planet, no matter…

  • Races and Languages: From Where? Answering Racism

    People often mentally categorize others by race. Physical features, like skin color, that distinguish one group of people, a ‘race’, from another, are easy to notice. So Caucasians are ‘white’, while those of Asian and African decent are darker. These traits distinguishing groups of people from each other easily leads to racism. This is the…

  • The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

    In our modern, educated day, we sometimes wonder if traditional beliefs, especially ones about the Bible, are only out-dated superstitions.  The Bible recounts many incredible miracles. But probably the Good Friday and First-Fruits story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead after his crucifixion seems the most unbelievable.  Is there any logical evidence to take…

  • The Revived Woman paired with the Resurrected Son

    We have gone through portraits of Jesus presented in the Gospels by looking at him through his Jewish lens.  In doing so we have seen two over-riding themes. Jewish Contributions to Mankind’s Progress Consider the following in light of the fact that the total Jewish population is  15.2 million, 0.19% of the 8 billion worldwide population.   We…

  • Cosmic Rhythm only God could Dance: From Creation to Cross

    What is dance? Theatrical dance encompasses rhythmic movements, meant to be viewed by spectators and to tell a story.  Accordingly, dancers coordinate their movements with other dancers, using different parts of their own body, so that their movements generate visual beauty and accentuate rhythm. Usually this coordination occurs in a repeating time interval, called meter. Researchers have…

  • Resurrection First Fruits: Life for you

    The Jewish festival of First Fruits, is not as well-known as Passover. But First Fruits was also instituted by Moses under the command of God.  Leviticus 23 describes the seven festivals prescribed through Moses. We have already looked at Passover and Sabbath and have seen how Jesus fulfills them in remarkable ways.    Isn’t it curious that both…

  • Day 7: Jesus in Sabbath Rest

    A striking Jewish distinctive is their keeping of the Sabbath, which occurs every Saturday. This Jewish keeping of the Sabbath goes back 3500 years to when Moses instituted seven special festivals. Leviticus 23 describes all these seven festivals, six of which are celebrated annually (including Passover, which we looked at previously).   Sabbath Origins But leading out…

  • Day 6: Good Friday and Jesus the Passover Lamb

    Jews celebrate several festivals that come from events unique to their history. One of their more well-known festivals is Passover.  Jews celebrate this festival in memory of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt about 3500 years ago.  Recorded in Exodus, Passover climaxed the Ten Plagues on Pharaoh and Egypt. For Passover, Moses instructed every Israelite family to slay…