Category: Jesus revealed in Gospels

  • The Precision and Power of Pentecost

    The Day of Pentecost always comes on a Sunday.  It celebrates a remarkable event. But it is not only what happened that day but when and why it happened that reveals the hand of God. It also offers a powerful gift for you. What happened on Pentecost If you heard of ‘Pentecost’, you probably learned…

  • The Revived Woman paired with the Resurrected Son

    We have gone through portraits of Jesus presented in the Gospels by looking at him through his Jewish lens.  In doing so we have seen two over-riding themes. Jewish Contributions to Mankind’s Progress Consider the following in light of the fact that the total Jewish population is  15.2 million, 0.19% of the 8 billion worldwide population.   We…

  • Cosmic Rhythm only God could Dance: From Creation to Cross

    What is dance? Theatrical dance encompasses rhythmic movements, meant to be viewed by spectators and to tell a story.  Accordingly, dancers coordinate their movements with other dancers, using different parts of their own body, so that their movements generate visual beauty and accentuate rhythm. Usually this coordination occurs in a repeating time interval, called meter. Researchers have…

  • Resurrection First Fruits: Life for you

    The Jewish festival of First Fruits, is not as well-known as Passover. But First Fruits was also instituted by Moses under the command of God.  Leviticus 23 describes the seven festivals prescribed through Moses. We have already looked at Passover and Sabbath and have seen how Jesus fulfills them in remarkable ways.    Isn’t it curious that both…

  • Day 7: Jesus in Sabbath Rest

    A striking Jewish distinctive is their keeping of the Sabbath, which occurs every Saturday. This Jewish keeping of the Sabbath goes back 3500 years to when Moses instituted seven special festivals. Leviticus 23 describes all these seven festivals, six of which are celebrated annually (including Passover, which we looked at previously).   Sabbath Origins But leading out…

  • Day 6: Good Friday and Jesus the Passover Lamb

    Jews celebrate several festivals that come from events unique to their history. One of their more well-known festivals is Passover.  Jews celebrate this festival in memory of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt about 3500 years ago.  Recorded in Exodus, Passover climaxed the Ten Plagues on Pharaoh and Egypt. For Passover, Moses instructed every Israelite family to slay…

  • Day 5: Through Treachery Satan coils to strike

    Jews have been persecuted, loathed, feared and mistreated in many ways and this is recorded both in the Bible and in history outside it.  Of course, many people have experienced persecution and discrimination at the hands of other nations.  But history demonstrates a tendency to inevitably target Jews in a unique way over other groups.  A special word…

  • Day 4: Look to the Stars

    Perhaps nobody has invited modern culture to imagine the stars like the pioneer science fiction writer Isaac Asimov and the innovative science-fiction franchise Star Trek have.   Isaac Asimov – 20th century most prominent science fiction writer Born into a Soviet Jewish family, Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) moved with his family to the USA while still young. He was…

  • Day 3: Jesus utters The Withering Curse

    In 1867 celebrated American author Mark Twain, visited the land of Israel (Palestine as it was called). He travelled across the land, writing his observations in his best-selling book Innocents Abroad. He used the words “unpicturesque”, “unsightly”, and “desolate” to describe what he saw. Twain wrote, “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes…. desolate and unlovely.” Innocents Abroad Of the Jezreel…

  • Day 2: Jesus Selected

    Richard Wurmbrand, Ivan Urgant and Natan Sharansky represent the Jewish spirit of unarmed civil protest voicing objection to powerful and abusive institutions.  As a result of their outspokenness, they became targets of the systems that they criticized. In that regard they followed in the footsteps of their fellow Jew – Jesus of Nazareth. Tortured for his Faith…