Tag: prophecies of jesus

  • The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’

    We have been exploring the Branch theme in the Old Testament prophets. We saw that Jeremiah in 600 BCE continued the theme (which Isaiah began 150 years earlier) and declared that this Branch would be a King. Then, Zechariah followed predicting that the name of this Branch would be Jesus. Additionally, he foresaw that the Branch would uniquely combine the roles of King…

  • The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump Reborn

    Jesus had critics who questioned his authority.  He would answer them by pointing to the prophets that came before, claiming that they foresaw his life.  Here is one example where Jesus said to his critics: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures…

  • The Final Countdown – Promised in the Beginning

    We have looked at how mankind fell from their first created state. The Bible tells us God had a plan based on a Promise made at the beginning of history. The Bible – Really a Library First, some facts about the Bible.  The Bible is a collection of books, written by many authors.  It took…