Tag: jewish exile

  • Day 3: Jesus utters The Withering Curse

    In 1867 celebrated American author Mark Twain, visited the land of Israel (Palestine as it was called). He travelled across the land, writing his observations in his best-selling book Innocents Abroad. He used the words “unpicturesque”, “unsightly”, and “desolate” to describe what he saw. Twain wrote, “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes…. desolate and unlovely.” Innocents Abroad Of the Jezreel…

  • What is the History of the Jewish People?

    Jews are one of the most ancient peoples in the world. The Bible, ancient historians outside the Bible, as well as archeology, all record their history. We have more facts about their history than that of any other nation. We will use this information to summarize their history.  To make the history of the Israelites…