Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?
Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. These books describe the birth of the Israelite nation thousands of years ago. Moses’ mission was to birth this nation to become a light to surrounding nations. He began by leading the Israelites (or Jews) out of slavery in Egypt through a rescue known as Passover.…
Passover Sign of Moses
After Abraham died his descendants were called Israelites. 500 years later they had become a large tribe. But they had also become slaves of the Egyptians. The Exodus The Israelite leader was Moses. God had told Moses to go to Pharaoh of Egypt and demand that he free the Israelites from slavery. This began…
Abraham: How God will Provide
Abraham lived 4000 years ago, traveling to modern-day Israel. God promised him a son that would become a ‘great nation’. But he had to believe and then wait until he was very old to see his son born. Jews and Arabs today come from Abraham, so we know the promise came true and that he…
Getting Righteousness – Abraham’s example
Previously we saw that Abraham obtained righteousness simply by believing. That all-important sentence puts it like this: Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:6 Belief is not about the existence of God Think what ‘believe’ means. Many people think that ‘believe’ means believing that God exists. We think that…
The Ageless Promise to an Unnoticed Man
Today’s global news headlines will quickly be forgotten as we move on to other amusements, championships or political events. The highlight one day quickly becomes forgotten the next. We saw in our previous article that this was true in the ancient time of Abraham. The important achievements that held the attention of people living 4000…
An Ancient Journey that Affects us Today
Even though Israel is a small country it is always in the news. The news continues to report on Jews moving to Israel, on the technology invented there, but also on conflict, wars and tensions with surrounding people. Why? A look at Israel’s history in the book of Genesis of the Bible reveals that 4000…
The Final Countdown – Promised in the Beginning
We have looked at how mankind fell from their first created state. The Bible tells us God had a plan based on a Promise made at the beginning of history. The Bible – Really a Library First, some facts about the Bible. The Bible is a collection of books, written by many authors. It took…
Corrupted (part 2) … and Missing the Target
The Bible describes us as corrupted from the image God made us in. How did this happen? The book of Genesis in the Bible records it. Shortly after being made ‘in the image of God’ the first humans (Adam and Eve) were tested with a choice. The Bible describes their conversation with a ‘serpent’. The…
But corrupted … like orcs of Middle-earth
Previously we looked at what the Bible means when it says that God created people ‘in the image of God’. This explains why human life is precious. However, the Bible continues on from creation to explain a serious problem. We can see the problem from this Psalm (song) in the Bible. The LORD looks down…
Made in the Image of God
Can the Bible help us understand where we came from? Many say ‘no’, but there is much about us that makes sense in light of what the Bible says. For example, consider what the Bible teaches about our beginnings. In the first chapter it says: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image,…
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