Category: Jesus revealed in Gospels

  • Jesus Heals: by Powerful Word

    Influential French doctor-politician Bernard Kouchner founded the medical relief agency Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) as a result of his time in Biafra region of Nigeria during the bloody Biafra war working to heal and save the wounded.  MSF has become a global medical relief agency noted for its neutrality. MSF will try to…

  • Like Moses: Teaching with Authority on the Mountain

    Guru (गुरु) comes from ‘Gu’ (darkness) and ‘Ru’ (light) in its original Sanskrit.  A Guru teaches to dispel the darkness of ignorance by light of true knowledge.  Speaking from the shores of Galilee, Jesus exemplified this by teaching with such impact that it would be felt even 1900 years later and far away in India…

  • Jesus Tempted in the Desert

    The Gospels tell us that immediately after his baptism, Jesus… At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, 13 and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. Mark 1:12-13 We may think it rather strange that Jesus went directly out…

  • Jesus’ Baptism: What Does It Mean for You?

    People instinctively sense that they are ‘unclean’. We know this because, while there are many differences amongst religions and traditions in the world, they all consistently invoke the need for washing with water when approaching the Divine.  Muslims practice wudu, or ritual washing, before prayer.  Hinduism practices include bathing in sacred rivers, like the Ganges…

  • Zealous in the Wilderness

    History remembers Simon bar Kokhba (Simon ben Kosevah) as the man who led and failed the last Jewish revolt against Imperial Rome from 132-135 CE.  As the self-proclaimed prince of the Jewish people in Judea, he required that all Jews follow him into a war of independence against Rome.  He led this revolt because the…

  • Jesus as Israel: Pursued & Hiding from Herod the Great

    Anne Frank is known for her diary, ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’, which she wrote while hiding from the Nazi regime during the Second World War.  Her flight from pursuit had begun years before she hid behind a bookcase with her family in Amsterdam.  She was originally born in 1929 to a Jewish family in Germany.…

  • Flashback to Isaac’s Birth: Symmetry with Jesus’ birth

    Isaac’s birth is one of the most anticipated and drawn out events in the Bible.  God promised Abraham, then 75 years old, a ‘great nation’ in Genesis 12.  Obeying God’s promise, Abraham left Mesopotamia for Canaan, the Promised Land, arriving a few months later. But before Abraham could father ‘a great nation,’ he needed a…

  • Christmas – The Jesus Birth Story

    Christmas is distinguished as a primary global festival, celebrated by nations around the world. Christmas celebrations are replete with music, food, decorations and gifts – while the exact way of celebrating varies from nation to nation. But at its historic core, Christmas celebrates the birth of a poor Jewish boy born just over 2000 years…