Category: Filipino export

  • Flashback to Isaac’s Birth: Symmetry with Jesus’ birth

    Isaac’s birth is one of the most anticipated and drawn out events in the Bible.  God promised Abraham, then 75 years old, a ‘great nation’ in Genesis 12.  Obeying God’s promise, Abraham left Mesopotamia for Canaan, the Promised Land, arriving a few months later. But before Abraham could father ‘a great nation,’ he needed a…

  • Christmas – The Jesus Birth Story

    Christmas is distinguished as a primary global festival, celebrated by nations around the world. Christmas celebrations are replete with music, food, decorations and gifts – while the exact way of celebrating varies from nation to nation. But at its historic core, Christmas celebrates the birth of a poor Jewish boy born just over 2000 years…

  • Virgo & the Zodiac as Signs for my Life

    The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac today are associated with astrology and the horoscope.  Today’s horoscope predicts your fortune by your birth date in relation to these twelve Zodiac Signs.  The horoscope then guides you to find true love (love horoscope), or good luck and success in relationships, health and wealth. These Twelve Astrological Signs connecting your birth dates to…

  • Libra in the Ancient Zodiac

    Libra is the second zodiac constellation and means ‘weighing scales’.  In today’s horoscope if you are born between September 24 and October 23 you are a Libra.  Today’s horoscope guides your fortune and blessing as determined by the date of your birth in relation to the twelve Zodiac Signs and gives insight on your personality.  Modern astrology uses the horoscope…

  • Scorpio in the Ancient Zodiac

    Scorpio is the third constellation of the zodiac and is the image of a venomous scorpion.  Scorpio also associates with the smaller constellations (Decans) Ophiucus, Serpens and Corona Borealis. In today’s horoscope if you are born between October 24 and November 22 you are a Scorpio.  In this modern horoscope reading of the zodiac, you follow the horoscope advice for…

  • Sagittarius in the Ancient Zodiac

    Sagittarius is the fourth constellation of the zodiac and is the sign of a mounted archer.  Sagittarius means ‘archer’ in Latin. In today’s horoscope if you are born between November 23 and December 21 you are a Sagittarius.  So in this modern horoscope reading of the zodiac, you follow the horoscope advice for Sagittarius to find love, good…

  • Capricorn in the Ancient Zodiac

    In today’s horoscope if you are born between December 22 and January 20 you are a Capricorn.  In this modern horoscope interpretation of the astrological zodiac, you follow the horoscope’s advice for Capricorn to find love, good luck, wealth, health, and insight on your personality. Capricorn forms an image of the front of a Goat joined to the tail of…

  • Aquarius in the Ancient Zodiac

    Aquarius is the sixth constellation of the zodiac and is part the Zodiac Unit revealing the results for us of the Coming One’s victory.  It forms the image of a man pouring rivers of water from a celestial jar. Aquarius is Latin for water bearer. In today’s horoscope if you are born between January 21 and February 19 you are…

  • Pisces in the Ancient Zodiac

    Pisces is the seventh constellation of the Zodiac, and in the Zodiac Unit revealing the results for us of the Coming One’s victory.  Pisces forms the image of two fishes bound together by a long band. In today’s horoscope if you are born between February 20 and March 20 you are a Pisces.  In this modern astrology horoscope reading of…

  • Aries in the Ancient Zodiac

    Aries is the eighth constellation of the Zodiac and concludes the Zodiac Unit revealing the results for us from the Coming One’s victory.  Aries is the image of a ram alive and well with its head held high. In today’s horoscope if you are born between March 21 and April 20 you are an Aries.  So, in this modern astrology…